K-5: CKLA by Amplify
6-8: Amplify
9-12: myPerspectives ELA Tennessee by SAVVAS
K-12: enVision Mathematics Tennessee by SAVVAS
K-8: Tennessee Science by HMH
Biology, Economics, Chemistry by SAVVAS
Physical Science for Realize by SAVVAS
Social Studies:
K-8: Gallopade published by SAVVAS
Kindergarten Social Studies-The World Around Us
First Grade Social Studies- Tennessee's Place In The United States
Second Grade Social Studies- Life In The United States
Third Grade Social Studies- Geography, Economics, & Early American & Tennessee History
Fourth Grade Social Studies- The History of the U.S. (Colonization to Reconstruction)
Fifth Grade Social Studies- The History of the U.S. (Industrialization To The Civil Rights Movement) & Tennessee History
Sixth Grade Social Studies- World History & Geography (Early Civilizations Through The Fall of The Western Roman Empire)
Seventh Grade Social Studies-World History & Geography (The Middle Ages of the Exploration of The Americans)
Eighth Grade Social Studies- World History & Geography (Colonization of North America to Reconstruction)
World History: Modern Tennessee by SAVVAS
United States History: Reconstruction to Present Tennessee by SAVVAS
U.S. Government & Civics: Magruder's American Government Tennessee by SAVVAS
Economics Tennessee by SAVVAS
According to Tenn. Code Ann. §49-6-2207(e), all schools must provide a list of all textbooks or instructional materials adopted by the local board of education.