Fayette County Public Schools

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**Vision Statement: Every Student; Every Day**Mission Statement: To inspire every student to reach their full potential.**Statement of Goals: Focus on every student. Invest in our staff. Partner with our community.**.
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Coordinated School Health » Mission




"The mission of Coordinated School Health is to improve student's health and their capacity to learn through the support of families, communities and schools."

What is Coordinated School Health?

The Office of Coordinated School Health aims to provide health services from a coordinated, yet systemic approach using the Eight Component Model of Coordinated School Health endorsed by the Centers for Disease Control.
Our mission is to ensure that the actions and activities of the eight components of Coordinated School Health are planned to provide optimal opportunities for physical and mental health while increasing the capacity to work and learn for high performance and academic achievement.

Our goal is to provide parents, students, and employees of Fayette County Schools with a better coordinated system of health services in order to enhance our overall health and wellbeing. We have responded to the needs of our school system and mandates of the State of Tennessee by beginning to further develop networks that will make the use of our school health services more seamless. It should be the goal of all community stakeholders to ensure that our children have healthy behaviors so that they will become healthy adults. In addition, it is to our advantage as well to develop better awareness of healthy practices that will assist in keeping us healthy as parents, families, teachers, administrators, and for all involved in the education of our students.
Please click the link below to visit the official state of Tennessee Department of Education Coordinated School Health page: